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At Calvary Chapel Austin, we teach through the books of the Bible by going through a complete book verse-by-verse; helping people apply the living Word of God to their daily lives.

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Apr 25, 2021

Teacher: Terry Micheals 
Passage: James 5:12

James warns against materialism. Not only does mammon corrode, it corrupts the heart. those who haven't been handed a life of ease are instructed to persevere.


Apr 18, 2021

Passage: James 4:11-17
Teacher: Terry Michaels

Judging and boasting are symptoms of pride. Neither are constructive. Both are a waste of time. Time is short. It is to be spent wisely doing good unto others.

Apr 11, 2021

Passage: James 4:1-10
Teacher: Terry Micheals

Pride means trouble in the Christian life. The Epistle of James helps us to identify pride and shows us how to deal with it.

Apr 4, 2021

Passage: 1 Peter 1:3-5
Teacher: Terry Micheals

We are born again unto new life through Jesus Christ. The resurrection is our assurance of life eternal.

Apr 3, 2021

Title: Once For All / Mark 15, 1 Peter 3:18
Speaker: Ryan Slabach