Jun 16, 2024
Teacher: Terry
Passage: Genesis 41:1-57
I. The Dreams
of Pharoah; vs.1-16
II. Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams; vs.17-36
III. Joseph Is Exalted; vs.37-45
IV. The Storehouses Are Filled; vs.46-57
After interpreting Pharaoh’s dream Joseph is exalted from the jailhouse to royalty. He masters a disaster...
Apr 14, 2024
Teacher: Terry Michaels
Passage: Genesis
I. The Lord Leads; vs.1-8
II. The Lord Speaks; vs.9-15
III. A Birth and A Burial; vs.16-26
IV. A Patriarch Breathes His Last; vs.27-29
God tells Jacob to go to Bethel and he obeys. With this new beginning comes great loss. Jacob’s beloved wife, Rachel, passes away. His...
Mar 10, 2024
Teacher: Terry Michaels
Passage: Genesis
I. A Warm
Welcome; vs.1-11
II. An Incredible Journey; vs.12-17
III. A Place To Dwell; vs.18-20
Jacob meets up with his brother, Esau. It’s a happy reunion. The two reconcile. Jacob settles back into promise land
Feb 18, 2024
Teacher: Terry Michaels
Passage: Genesis
I. Sons of Surrogates; vs.1-13
II. A Man for Hire; vs.14-24
III. The Deal for Departure; vs.25-43
Tension between sisters Rachel and Leah builds as each seeks to bear children with Joseph. Once his quiver is full, Joseph makes a break from his father-in-law Laban
Jan 21, 2024
Teacher: Terry
Passage: Genesis 26:1-35
I. The Lord Appears to Isaac; vs.1-5
II. Isaac Fears For His Life; vs.6-11
III. A Quarrel Over Wells; vs.12-25
IV. A Truce is Called; vs.26-35
Isaac repeats mistakes made by his father Abraham. Even still, the Lord blessed Isaac, so much so it became obvious to those around...