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At Calvary Chapel Austin, we teach through the books of the Bible by going through a complete book verse-by-verse; helping people apply the living Word of God to their daily lives.

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Nov 27, 2022

Teacher: Dan Loaiza

I. Luke 5:10
II. Luke 8:50
III. Mark 6:49-50
IV. Matthew 17:5-7
V. Luke 12:4
VI. John 14:27
VII. Matthew 28:10

Nov 20, 2022

Revelation 13:1-18

I. The Nature of the Beast vs.1-4
II. The Power of the Beast vs.5-10
III. The Image of the Beast vs.11-17
IV. The Number of the Beast vs.18

In last days a “beast” will emerge to rule the world much like emperors in ancient history did. This beast will demand to...

Nov 13, 2022

Revelation 11:15 – 12:17


I. His Kingdom Comes; ch.11:15-19


II. The Dragon Raises His Heads; ch.12:1-6


III. The Dragon Is Cast Down; vs.7-12


IV. The Dragon Makes War; vs.13-17

Daniel 12:7


This passage offers insight on how Satan seeks to destroy and how God seeks to...

Nov 6, 2022


Revelation 10:1 – 11:14

I. An Angel Brings a Book; ch.10, vs.1-7
II. John Eats the Book; vs.8-11
III. Two Witnesses Arise; ch.11, vs.1-6
IV. The Witnesses Are Killed; vs.7-10
V. The Witnesses Come Alive; vs.11-14

Tagline: John is given a little book to eat. Two witnesses arise, are killed,...